Kategoria Imobiliare - Patundshmëri / Apartament
Lloji i njoftimit: Shitet
Shitet apartament 2+1+2banjo, 113m2 + 50m2 verande, ne katin e trete te nje pallati te ri ne rruge kryesore tek Lulet ne hyrje te Elbasanit. Cmimi 48000 Euro i diskutueshem. Zone e qete, godina e sapo ndertuar shume cilesore, me ashensor, apartament i madh dhe praktik, shume mire i organizuar ne hapesira.
In sale apartment 2 + 1 + 2bathrooms, 113m2 + 50m2 terrace, on the third floor of a new building in the main street to the entrance of Elbasan in the road called "Flowers". 48000 Euro, Price negotiable. Quiet, newly constructed building of very high quality, with elevator, big and practical apartment, very well organized in space