Tirane, jap me qira Apartament Dubleks ne Rr. Budi.

Numri i njoftimit: 1500 | Postuar në: 08.01.2013, 14:44
Përditëso  Ndrysho  Fshij     Kthehu

Numri i dhomave: 3

Sipërfaqja: 240

Ngrohja: Qendrore

Çmimi: I negociueshëm

Kategoria Imobiliare - Patundshmëri / Apartament

Lloji i njoftimit: Me qira

Tirane, jap me qira Apartament Dubleks ne Rr. Budi. Dubleks me siperfaqe 140 m2 per kat, ndodhet ne katin 9-te te nje pallati te ri. Dubleksi eshte i shtruar totalisht me parket dhe eshte i organizuar, ambientet e dites ne katin e pare, ato te nates ne katin e dyte. Apartamenti eshte i mobiluar, AC. Parkim personal per 2 poste makinash. Ndodhet ne nje zone shume te qete.
Cmimi 1000 Euro/muaj.
Tirana, for rent Apartment Duplex at Budi Street. Apartment with surface 140 sqm for each floor is paved in parquet, located on 9-th floor of a new building. The Duplex is organized: The First floor has day of environment and second floor has night of environment. The apartment is furnished, AC. Parking space available for 2 posts.
Price 100 Euro/month.

Tirana Real Estate
Rr.Sami Frasheri, prane selise LSI
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